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The WordPress Community

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For those who always wonder about how the WordPress community communicates and grows, I can answer that first hand. I recently created a simple plugin that allows users to create a pop-up box so they can create a mailing list to send their clients something. It was something I did for a site I worked on an decided to release it to the community. What was so cool that happened to me recently is someone, Borisa Djuraskovic from asked if he could translate my plugin.


So my question is how did he find me? Oh yeah, I released the plugin and he found me from my website. How cool is that? So now my plugin is translated into Serbo-Croatian thanks to him. Ok, so what is so cool about that? It was unsolicited. He wanted nothing except to help, ok a little acknowledgement for the work, but that was it.

That is what makes the WordPress community so wonderful. Everyone I have worked with has been not only willing to help, but excited to do so.

I know this is not that much of an exciting blog, but I was personally excited about it. I'm thinking of doing more on youtube that I will link here. I have always enjoyed working on television and thought it would be a great opportunity to just share my experience with the world. What do you think?

Thanks for stopping by.